My World Is Crazy !! You Wil Like It !!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Our subconscious mind holds much greater power than what most people have ever realized or utilized. If you think you know your subconscious mind well, try whether you are able to answer the following questions:

Do you know how much water you lose through perspiration after a vigorous game? And how much you need to replenish?
Do you know how much of the salt in the food that you eat need to be absorbed into your body to maintain perfect balance and good health?
Do you know what nutrients in the food are good for your body and what are not? And how much of these good nutrients should be absorbed and how much excess need to be eliminated?

Unless you are a scientist or have read some research paper on the above findings, you will have no clue to any of the above questions. But, guess what, your body knows the answer! In fact, it has been performing these tasks every day, 24 hours a day, from the day you are borne. To be more exact, it is your subconscious mind that is doing the work. It plays a critical role in helping you to unravel the mind power secrets.

It probably takes a mathematician days or weeks or even months to figure out these answers, what our subconscious mind can solve in a minute. It does not matter whether you are a mathematician, or whether you even study mathematics or chemistry, your body just knows the answer!

How Powerful Is Your Subconscious Mind?

The power of our subconscious mind is simply mind-blowing, as Dr Geo. C. Pitzer sums it up perfectly:

"The subconscious mind is a distinct entity. It occupies the whole human body, and, when not opposed in any way, it has absolute control over all the functions, conditions, and sensations of the body. While the objective (conscious) mind has control over all of our voluntary functions and motions, the subconscious mind controls all of the silent, involuntary, and vegetative functions. Nutrition, waste, all secretions and excretions, the action of the heart in the circulation of the blood, the lungs in respiration or breathing, and all cell life, cell changes and development, are positively under the complete control of the subconscious mind. This was the only mind animal had before the evolution of the brain; and it could not, nor can it yet, reason inductively, but its power of deductive reasoning is perfect. And more, it can see without the use of physical eyes. It perceives by intuition. It has the power to communicate with others without the aid of ordinary physical means. It can read the thoughts of others. It receives intelligence and transmits it to people at a distance. Distance offers no resistance successful missions of the subconscious mind."

To get a better idea what the subconscious mind does, read the following quotes from David Bush’s “Practical Psychology and Sex Life”:

It is this mind that carries on the work of assimilation and building up whilst we sleep...
It reveals to us things that the conscious mind has no conception of until the consummations have occurred.
It can communicate with other minds without the ordinary physical means.
It gets glimpse of things that ordinary sight does not behold.
It makes God’s presence an actual, realizable fact, and keeps the personality in peace and quietness.
It warns of approaching danger.
It carries out all the best things which are given to it, providing the conscious mind does not intercept and change the course of its manifestation.
It keeps the body in health and helps it in healing, if it is at all encouraged.

Throughout history, man has witnessed countless cases of miracle healing. This is the illustration of our mind power at work. If you understand and accept the way our subconscious mind work (Which is by the way an established and provened fact), miracle healing is after all an entirely logical process. It is just the way our subconscious mind works, plain and simple.

For those who are inclined towards scientific findings and evidences to appreciate what our mind is capable of, resources that used to be in the hand of private research institutions are now available ......

..... the latest report on subconscious mind and the mind power secrets reveals the amazing potential of human mind, and how you can utilized its enormous power for your life success.....

The Subconscious Mind is
Powerful Yet Obedient

The subconscious mind does not decide and command. It merely carries out orders passed to it from the conscious mind. Its nature is to do what it is told, or what really is your heart’s desire.

From the day of our birth, our subconscious mind has been performing miracles on a daily basis to build up our body, and heal every illness. It does all these in a matter of minutes! It has practically unlimited power, not just in growing your body, but also in acquiring all the good things in your life.

We have very much taken all these for granted that we no longer appreciate the miraculous work performed by our body. We have forgotten that each and every one of us is bestowed with such amazing power that is residing in our mind.

How Do Most People Use Their Mind?
Although everybody have complete control over their conscious mind, and uses it most of the time in our physical activities, many people today go through their daily activities and thinking process without being fully conscious of their consciousness. For most people, the exciting truth about our mind power secrets remains a mystery or an illusion.

This may sound ironical, but the fact is, people in this modern day are so caught up in the rut of daily grind, bombarded with avalanche of information during most of the waking hours, often ending a typical day going home with loads of stress in the body and mind. Such fast pace, mad rush, achievement-oriented lifestyle has robbed most people of their precious ability to remain "conscious". When a person is consciously living, he is mindful of his own actions and thoughts, as well as the happenings in the surroundings. On the contrary, a person who is not living "consciously" often find himself not aware of what he has just done a minute ago, or not noticing a lot of things around him.

Scientist has found that the average human thinks approximately 60,000 thoughts per day. However, it is also found that most people are only aware of less than 5 percent of their thoughts.

Is this any surprise? It only confirmed the fact that most people are not conscious of their consciousness.

The majority of these thoughts are just mindless babbles or what we know as mind chatters, which are being absorbed at a subconscious level perpetually and function on autopilot like the heart’s pumping of blood.

When we are worry about financial matters, our conscious mind is continually focusing on the lack of money, our emotion resonates to the thought and sends the powerful message (both the though and emotion) to the subconscious mind, which in turn receives the message and perceives it as a reality. All this can happen without our conscious awareness of its occurrence.

However, if we are conscious about what we think, and take prompt action to intercept any thoughts that are deemed undesirable, we could prevent the thought from reaching the subconscious level. Whenever the subconscious mind perceives anything as reality, it will go forth with its powerful manifestation process and bring them to fruition.

This is a process that appears simple but takes conscious effort to execute.

How Can We Best Manage Our Mind?

It's important to remember that the subconscious mind has no capacity to discern if something is true or false, real or unreal, and good or bad. By nature, it only stores and acts upon the information given to it by the conscious mind.

It is hence entirely possible that we can subconsciously act against our heart’s desire by producing all the unwanted outcomes, if our conscious mind gives it the direction. The problem is: Most people are not consciously managing their thoughts, or not even aware of the thoughts that run through their mind. As a result, many outcomes in life are undesirable. Yet, people did not notice that they have unwittingly produced these outcomes by their own conscious mind.

To make things worse, our mind is constantly subject to negative influences everyday. Most of the activities we perform on a daily basis, even unconsciously, have a dramatic effect on what is being stored at the subconscious level. Reading the daily news of crimes and violence, watching TV programs that create anxiety, worry, fear and horror, as well as interacting with negative people around us, etc, all these play a major role in "allowing" negative emotions to become a daily experience in our life.

The subconscious mind, being indiscriminate, is at work all the time absorbing these emotions and perceives them as reality. If you are aware of these negative thoughts and influences that are affecting the outcomes in your life, you will want to start taking actions to change them. Nourish your mind with beautiful, positive and wholesome programs and thoughts!
Your life will become the way your mind always think about!

Given the way both parts of our mind work, you have to exercise absolute mind control to attract the things you desire, such as financial abundance, excellent health, fulfilling relationships and whatever you wanted to experience. You need to be able to utilized mind control techniques to make conscious choices to change and replace the fear-based, negative self-talks and thinking of lack, with thoughts that are congruent with the outcomes that you desire to manifest!

This ability to consciously change your thoughts becomes much easier once you started becoming consciously aware of your thought process. It is a critical skill that you need to have in order to master the mind power secrets within you.

Our subconscious mind is the conduit that connects us with our Truth, or our Source, which holds the unlimited power to access to all the abundance in our life.

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh recieveth, and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

Use your conscious mind to become consciously aware of what you are asking for!

"Whatsoever things ye ask for when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them."

By developing a knowing of how the mind works and an understanding of how our universal laws operate, you will come to know how important it is to become aware and conscious of your thoughts. When you are conscious (aware) of your thoughts, you will deliberately structure those thoughts to bring about the desired result.

The conscious mind is capable of analyzing itself, adjusting its thoughts, create new thoughts, and even override the old information stored in the subconscious mind. It is the part of mind that controls and feeds the thought (which is a form of energy) to the subconscious mind, which in turns sends that thought energy into the Universe. Hence, by consciously managing your conscious mind, you can control the vibration energy that is transmitted by the subconscious to the Universe for its due manifestation.

So, what are the salient points that you can act on?

The great business of life is your Thought – your Mind is the only creator.
If you can Control What You Think, you can control what you Create in your life.
Manage your conscious mind to produce only focused, specific, intentional and exact thoughts, so as to Direct your subconscious mind to create the exact outcomes that you want for your life!
Make it a priority in your personal development agenda to Master Mind Control techniques. This is probably the most important life skill you can ever learn, because it holds the ultimate mind power secrets to achieving success, health, wealth and happiness in your life.

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