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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Deccan Clematis

Common name: Deccan Clematis • Hindi: Murhar • Marathi: मोरवेल Morvel, रनजाई Ranjaee • Kannada: Merhari • Sanskrit: लघुपर्णिका Laghuparnika
Botanical name: Clematis heynei Family: Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family)
Synonyms: Clematis triloba
Deccan Clematis is an annual climber, 1-3 m long, found mainly in the Deccan region of Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Stems are velvet hairy. Leaves are either simple or trifoliate, 3-5 cm, ovate. The leaf margin is either entire, or 3-7 lobed. Most commonly seen leaves are 3-lobed. Leaf stalks are slender, 2-8 cm, twinning. Fragrant white flowers, 2-4 cm across, occur in panicles in leaf axils. Clematis have no real petals. What appear to be petals are, in reality, sepals. Deccan Clematis flowers have 4-6 white sepals, 1-2 cm long, oblong. Many stamens arise from the center, about a cm long. Stamens are shorter than the sepals, unlike Clematis gauriana. Flowering: September-December.

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